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NaPoWriMo 2013: Day 2, ‘Fear’

Latrodectus mactans

In my introductory post for National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) I recommended Educational Technology Training Center (ETTC).  I liked the result on Day 1 so much that I decided to use another one of their instant poetry forms today.  I selected “Emotional Animal”.  Here is my poem:

Fear by Kimberly Bower


is a black widow spider

spinning its web, ensnaring its prey,

puncturing courage, paralyzing hearts

crouched in the shadows of his heart, mummified by silk

man descends into death


Once I got into the template I felt like modifying it so I could include another line describing the spider’s actions.  You can change the template any way you’d like.  Use it as a jumping off point.  Modification is allowed.  It’s your poem after all.

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